A new year can be a great way to set some personal health goals.
Are you looking for ways to get more active and stay fit this year? Take a look, we’ve lined up some exciting and fun ways to help your health goals, but first some advice...
Prioritise Health
Commit to a healthy eating plan and regular exercise. It’s a good idea to try a few different activities to find the ones you most enjoy. We’re all much more likely to continue doing something we find fun. For some that might be walking the dog daily, while others want to sail or practice archery. Whatever your activity level, there’s something out there for you.
Start off Slowly
It’s important to build up your activity gradually to help prevent injury. Don’t make the mistake of burning out early. Seek advice and support from your doctor or physical therapist. They’ll often have great suggestions that you may not have thought of before.
Get Accountable
How will you create accountability for realising your goal? We all stick to goals much better when we tell someone else our goals because we then need to admit that we haven’t stuck to it. It’s also worth reminding yourself of the reason you’re doing this. Perhaps you want to be able to swim with your grandchild? Or prepare for a trek? There are some great online fitness communities that will cheer you along and be your #FitFam - just search relevant hashtags on Instagram.
Get Outdoors
Enjoying nature is a great way to “accidentally” exercise and lets you build up gradually. If you take up a hobby such as photography or bird watching, even the incidental activity can help you build up slowly. There are many wheelchair friendly walks and hikes at National Parks across New Zealand and Australia:
- New South Wales
- Victoria - In the Dandenong Ranges and the Grampians in Victoria, there’s a volunteer sherpa program to assist those with mobility limitations, just be sure to book!
- South Australia
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- Wheelchair Dance, Rugby, Basketball, Archery, Tennis, Powerlifting, Basketball, Table Tennis, Fencing. Shooting and Track and Road.
- Handcycling
Are there any sports you’ve always wanted to try? What’s holding you back?
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