Becoming Independent - by Alicia Kapa

Life has changed a lot this year for the entire world but it is about to change a whole lot more for my family and I. For the last year I have wanted to go flatting as every 21 year old wants to do but I discovered that it’s not that easy to find a house that is accessible. This means that I am staying at home and my parents are moving out, this is happening next weekend. To be exact, the 4th of July, Independence Day which is ironic.
I know you’re probably reading this after the 4th of July but I thought you would be interested in reading what it feels like leading up to it, and there’s no better way to do that than explaining whilst I’m in the moment! There’s a lot of feelings associated with this change such as happy, excited, stressed, terrified, anxious... the list goes on. Thinking about the day makes me feel really nervous and scared but I know I’ll be fine.
For the last 21 years, I have always had my mum to take care of me, make sure I’m safe and make all the big decisions, so the thought of me having to be responsible for everything is very scary! I think I’m mostly scared because I have to fully trust everyone who works with me and it takes a while to build that amount of trust but I know I’ll get there eventually!
I am really excited to be able to do things on my account such as eating ice cream at 10 at night. I am also excited the plan is for my best friend to come live with me so that will be really fun and also give me some security and support on the tough days. I’m also keeping one of our dogs so I’ll still get lots of hugs!
The next month is going to be a big change but I’m ready for the challenge!
About the Writer:
I am a born and raised young New Zealand Māori woman. I was born with cerebral palsy which affects my muscles but not my mind. I am just like any other young person who has dreams, aspirations and enjoys having fun. I am in my fourth year at the University of Auckland studying Criminology and Māori Studies with dreams to one day working in the justice system. I have a YouTube channel called Wheely Wacky Adventures where my friend Leah and I share videos of our adventures such as skydiving and bungy jumping just to name a couple. I am full of life and ready to take on what comes for me.
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