How I cope with lockdowns – by Alicia Kapa

Lockdown has become the new normal for life these days as we struggle to keep Covid-19 under control. It has come with a lot of mixed emotions, feelings and discovery of things we did not know existed before.
There are many ways people have dealt with hard times during this pandemic. Here in New Zealand, we are currently in our 4th lockdown, so we have figured out what works best for us! I’d like to share with you what has helped me during this current lockdown and hopefully, it might help you!
1. Colouring - I have a colouring app on my iPad and it helps me relax
2. Work - I am very lucky to be able to work from home so I do that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
3. Reading - I have discovered a new love for reading Nicholas Sparks, I’m on my 8th book!
4. Walks and fresh air - going for a walk or simply sitting on the beach with some snacks makes me feel so much better
I am very lucky to live with my best friend so we often go and have lunch on the beach when the weather is nice on the weekends. I still have a couple of carers and my parents are in my bubble so I still get to see different people which is helpful.
There are still days I struggle with this Covid-19 situation as I am tired of waiting to be able to do things such as see people and travel again. But I am fully vaccinated and that’s all I can do for now!
I hope you have found your own ways to keep healthy both physically and mentally during these times. It’s important to look after yourself as well and if you need some time alone to gather your thoughts by napping or going for a walk, it’s important to do that.
About the author:
I am a born and raised young New Zealand Māori woman. I was born with cerebral palsy which affects my muscles but not my mind. I am just like any other young person who has dreams, aspirations and enjoys having fun. I am in my fourth year at the University of Auckland studying Criminology and Māori Studies with dreams to one day working in the justice system. I have a YouTube channel called Wheely Wacky Adventures where my friend Leah and I share videos of our adventures such as skydiving and bungy jumping just to name a couple. I am full of life and ready to take on what comes for me.
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