Working Class Man – by Tyrone Cook

The last time I was employed ended in 2010 after I was unfairly dismissed, this of course added to the PTSD I already had. I lost my confidence and wasn’t sure I could work again, other than advocacy work… until that is, I moved into residential care services and the Regional Manager for our service decided she wanted to employ service users and pay them.
At the time there was no administration at the office and so they created the role of Casual Administrator specifically for me as they knew I had the skills from previous roles and that I was eager to learn new skills.
Today is Monday 29 November 2021, and at 9 a.m. this morning I wheeled up to the doors on the ground floor, scanned in with the COVID app, entered the lift and with great anxiety and butterflies headed to the first floor with my Support Worker. Opening the doors on the first floor I met the Administration Team Leader and I became a working-class man for the first time in 11 years and 10 months!
Sitting behind the desk and learning of what my duties were was the best feeling I had in a long while, I am one of those people that has to do something to feel as though I am a worthy member of society (please note, I know not everyone can work, nor is it easy to find work).
I am happy I have my job, I am grateful for my employers (no I am not being biased) for taking me on and being so encouraging.
About the writer:
I am a 41-year-old man, who is born and raised in New Zealand. I have PHACES Syndrome which is very rare (there are only around 5 of us in NZ and I am the oldest we know of here), this affects my brain, senses, muscles, nervous system, vascular system, as well as the skeleton and connective tissue.
I have a Certificate in Social Services (Biculturalism), which helps me in my advocacy work, but I would love to work with children with special education needs. I write poetry, short stories and have written a song. I also paint and play a strong part in my Church community. I love knitting and music, anything related to space and cats, and my favourite show is Star Trek.
I was recently published in a book, telling my experience over lockdown as a person with a disability.
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