Clinically Perfecting Self-Propel Using the Add-On Benefit Of Power Assist – by Juliette Lee

13 September 2024

Some of the most satisfying days in my role are when I can set-up E-Motion power-assist wheels for a person who has never used them before. The pushrim-activated, lithium battery powered wheels greatly help the wheelchair user to enjoy more endurance for socializing, work or campus travel; to preserve their upper limb girdle strength to train/compete in sport;and to prevent spine, shoulders, elbows or wrists from injuries that might otherwise affect their independence.

Many wheelchair users do not have sufficient strength in their arms and hands to safely propel themselves over longer distances. Even slight slopes can make it much more difficult to move the wheelchair. Braking on downward slopes is another challenge that should not be underestimated. Intrinsic strength and endurance may not be enough to keep a person self-propelling on their own steam, throughout the whole day. And pain from self-propelling is something that 75% of wheelchair users experience in their lifetime. A much more relaxed grip and better posture achieved with power assist, can alleviate the disuse/overuse forces which produce strain and injury.

E-Motion benefits rehabilitation also. People post-surgery or hemiplegics for example are assisted, as turning will only require one arm, instead of one propelling forwards and one backwards, and the push sensors can be adjusted to accommodate for significant underuse of one arm. E-Motion wheels are not just indicated for people who have begun to struggle to self-propel through their activities and daily life. Even the new manual wheelchair user will gain more self-confidence in their mobility, and have the ongoing benefit of enhanced prevention from upper limb injury.

The e-motion also has additional special features that make wheelchair travel easier:

- Power assistance is the clinical indication for E-Motions. The lighter the push given, the better the power and assist response.
- Adjustable push sensors to balance any strength differences between left and right so that the wheelchair is not pulling to one side and straight driving is facilitated.
- Programmability to provide different drive behaviours, adjusting the power, speed and responsiveness of the e-motion.
- The amplified braking also helps to control wheelchair speed on downward slopes.
- The patented rollback delay prevents the wheelchair from rolling back on slopes when adjusting grip.
- The optional cruise mode makes it possible to activate and maintain a continuous speed with just one or two pushes.
- Alber Jack-up anti-tippers can be added onto the wheelchair also to make it simple to remove the wheels for transport or change over to manual wheels.
- E-Motion is ideal for paraplegics and quadriplegics, and people with early neurodegenerative conditions. The drive wheels are available with four different pushrim profiles, and/or rubber coating and provide effective grip surface even for users with limited hand function.

Find out more about the E-Motion here:

About the author:

Juliette is a NZ registered physiotherapist who started her career working in a TBI and neuro-rehabilitation and transitional living facility, DHB community therapy and then private practice. After a change of career path, she has returned to working with clients with altered physical abilities.

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