Happy Father's Day to all the dads in the Invacare community!

This Father's Day we'd like to focus on and thank each of our Invacare dads. To celebrate our many hardworking fathers we share one story for you to enjoy.
Brenton Swain is an Invacare dad and our Business Manager in Australia and has worked for the organisation for over 15 years. When asked what he most loves about his job he says that it's the products that he knows are going to aid and assist "in the comfort, recovery or treatment of people who often have complex medical needs. Every day I come to work I have the opportunity to make a difference to other people’s lives." And being able to make a difference is important to Brenton.
Many dads work at Invacare and Brenton says, "our children are often the topic of conversation during lunch and at other times. Invacare enables me enough flexibility so I can be involved in some of the important milestones in my family, which is another aspect of my job that I enjoy."
"Time is probably the most challenging part of my role. Time to spend with my team, time zones to discuss and interact with customers, suppliers, and colleagues around the world, time to travel and time to be at home for dinner just to name a few."
As a father of four children, Brenton is one busy man. "I have two boys and two girls ranging in age from 6 to 13. We are a very busy household and my wife Helen does a fabulous job managing the weekly schedule of before, during and after school as well as weekend activities. Whilst its wonderful spending time as a whole family, I always like to try and get some one-on-one time. Recently I spent a Saturday afternoon Rogaining with my eldest daughter Eloise where we managed to win the 6-hour family category. I am super proud of her determination and energy when it comes to the many sports she plays."
Brenton loves being active with his kids, and his eldest son, Jeremy is his cycling partner. "We are currently in training for the 50 km Sydney Spring Cycle later in September."
His youngest son, Mitchell, is a budding artist, he also has a soft spot for pets including the many stick Insects that keep breeding in their house. And by the sounds of it, six-year-old Zoe has no trouble keeping up with her older siblings, always up for a challenge however big or difficult it may be. She enjoys gymnastics and football or anything else where strength or tactics are required.
This year on Father’s Day Brenton says he's "lucky to be heading away on a week’s holiday with my family to the snow. We will spend the day in the car making our way to Jindabyne. A few stops along the way and always plenty of car games to be played. I might even crack the odd Dad joke ."
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