Para sports: the great equaliser – by Natasha Price

17 March 2024

In a world that sometimes underestimates the capabilities of people with disabilities, there's something reshaping lives and challenging preconceived ideas – para sports. Para sports aren't just about competition; they're about rediscovering purpose, boosting physical and mental well-being, and finding a supportive community that truly understands the highs and lows of the unique journey each participant is on.

As a para athlete, this is the world I found myself in. A place where self-esteem gets charged, societal barriers are challenged, and community is built. 

Para sports act as an equaliser, showing that individuals with disabilities aren't defined by their conditions but are skilled athletes and equals in their sporting endeavours. Competition becoming an empowerment journey, proving not only to the non-disabled community but also to ourselves, that with the right tools for success and support, a full and active life is possible.

Beyond the emotional positives, the impact on physical health is evident. It has been for me; as I emerged from ten years confined to bed and transitioned to the life of an athlete. Participating in para sports allows individuals with disabilities to maintain or improve their physical fitness levels. Adapted to suit diverse abilities, these sports, just as for our non-disabled counterparts, promote overall well-being and reduce the risk of health issues, proving that staying active is not just a luxury, but an absolute right for every human.

The most important benefit though, is probably the sense of community that para sports bring. Athletes with disabilities forge bonds with others who understand the challenges, highs and lows unique to their journey. This community becomes a source of motivation, education and friendship, turning sporting activities into a community of like-minded people who are just pursuing life.

As a person heavily involved in the para sports community, It’s easy to say that being part of para sports is a life-changing journey that transcends ability. My journey has been about empowerment, confidence, well-being, and a sense of belonging to a community that cheers for each other's victories. And I truly believe finding an adaptive sport to suit a person’s needs and goals, will have a similar transformative effect on their life too. It gives those participating the opportunity to shape their own stories. Para sports are a testament to the idea that everyone, regardless of ability, has the potential to lead a fulfilling and empowered life. 


About the author:

Natasha Price is a track and marathon wheelchair racer,  passionate disability advocate, entrepreneur, podcast host, speaker, multi-award winner, author and Gold Coast Women of the Year 2022 (Champion of Sport). She is also the Country Chair of Sports Empowerment in Australia for the G100 and founder of InvincAble, an organisation that gives visibility to disability and empowers all people to embrace challenges and chase dreams.

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