Meet Sankesh Chetty Business Manager for Invacare in New Zealand

05 August 2019

Sankesh Chetty is Business Manager for Invacare in New Zealand, and he’s passionate about helping people get the equipment they need, quickly, and according to specification. “Our equipment is an enabler to better lives. We are truly a company that makes life’s experiences possible!” Sankesh believes in what he’s doing at Invacare, saying that "it has true meaning", and this is what maintains his drive and keeps him “coming back every day for more!”

Hollywood we have a problem

02 August 2019

Actor (noun): someone who pretends to be someone else while performing in a film, play, or television or radio program. Cambridge Dictionary

Parenting with a Disability

19 July 2019

“When I’m out with my girls, people don’t expect that I’m their mother.” 

“If we do have a child we get asked if it is ours, ‘who is the parent?’, ‘where is the parent?’, or ‘why are you holding it?’”

“I was so scared social services would take my child away because of feeding him on the floor... I was really scared because I wasn't doing things the normal way if you like, that they'd take him away.”

Meet Matthew Brunton who is in charge of Inside Sales and Customer Experience at Invacare

11 July 2019

Matthew Brunton looks after Invacare’s Inside Sales Customer Experience, and says, “I’m really excited to be a part of the Invacare direct to customer website that’s being set up and look forward to making it as intuitive as possible!”

Matthew’s role involves converting customer leads into sales, currently for SMOOV One, Invacare’s newest innovative electric drive that flexibly docks to wheelchairs. “The Customer Experience segment allows me to share my knowledge to develop new and improved documentation and processes for the customer service team.”

Invacare Power Chairs by Amanda Slade

05 July 2019

Amanda Slade is a client of Steve Burgess, Invacare Australia / New Zealand's Business Leader Customer Power. Amanda wrote this brief account which runs through her thoughts about her journey to finding the power chair that meets her needs perfectly.


"I remember my first Invacare wheelchair. I had an Arrow power chair without tilt at that stage, with a joystick head control.

Adaptive Fashion

24 June 2019

The proverb “clothes make the man”, meaning that people will judge you by the clothes you wear, has quite an impressive literary pedigree – from Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ in 8 B.C. to William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ in 1600, to Mark Twain in the late 1800s - the importance of making a good impression by way of your attire has been around for a long time. 

Meet Invacare GM of Rentals in New Zealand Sharelle Lincoln

07 June 2019

Sharelle Lincoln, General Manager of Rentals New Zealand, says she loves how working for Invacare provides her with the opportunity to ‘give back’.  “We truly make a difference to others, and this is important to me. I have also found that Invacare is a business that encourages staff to be empowered and progress, another important perk of my workplace.“

Caring for the carers

21 May 2019

Carers are an integral part of Australia and New Zealand's health system and are the foundation of our aged, disability, palliative, and community care systems. Australia has over 2.7 million carers, approximately 12% of the population and New Zealand has 430,000 carers, about 10% of the population, however, this number may not represent the true number of carers. Many people in caring roles do not identify as carers and as such are often not linked to services and support that can assist them.

Meet Invacare Territory Business Manager QLD and Northern NSW Denice Neale

18 May 2019

Denice Neale, Invacare Territory Business Manager QLD and Northern NSW, is committed to her role at the company and is determined to make a positive impact on people’s lives, and this is also something she is very keen to have her customers know about her.

Denice says, “I love explaining the differences between cost and value propositions so that when possible the end user gets the quality equipment they deserve.”

Happy Mothers Day to all the mums in the Invacare community

08 May 2019

This Mother’s Day we are celebrating all the mums who make up the Invacare community – mums who are our clients, partners, and our staff. Caren Williams, Invacare Australia/New Zealand Accounts Receivable Officer and mum, tells us a little about her role and about being an "Invacare mum".
