How I cope with lockdowns – by Alicia Kapa

01 November 2021

Lockdown has become the new normal for life these days as we struggle to keep Covid-19 under control. It has come with a lot of mixed emotions, feelings and discovery of things we did not know existed before.

There are many ways people have dealt with hard times during this pandemic. Here in New Zealand, we are currently in our 4th lockdown, so we have figured out what works best for us! I’d like to share with you what has helped me during this current lockdown and hopefully, it might help you!


Job hunting as a person with a disability – by Eliza Ault-Connell AM

21 October 2021

There are many challenges around employment for people living with a disability. The statistics show that 48% of people with a disability are employed compared to 80% of people ages 16-64 without a disability.  Sadly, what these statistics show is that people without a disability are twice as likely to be employed as their disabled counterparts. 

There are many reasons that contribute to these numbers. 

- Physical Barriers. These can take the form of structural issues in the environment that impede function.

Queen of the castle: Access at its best! – by Marlena Katene

04 October 2021

When is a home truly a home?

The Honour of Being an Invacare Ambassador - by Ian Walker

21 September 2021

Hey everybody!

This year I was invited to give a talk about my journey recovering from two separate spinal cord injuries (SCI) by Geoff Purtill, Invacare Vice President Global Strategy and General Manager Asia Pacific, at the recent 2021 ATSNZ Disability Expo held in Auckland, New Zealand. 

At the event I was talking with Sankesh Chetty, Invacare Business Manager New Zealand and Marketing Manager Australia New Zealand, when he made the first exciting and humbling suggestion of appointing me an Invacare Ambassador. 

Don’t call me an Olympian – by Susan Seipel

01 September 2021

I am a proud Paralympian, by calling me an Olympian you dismiss the rich history of the Paralympic movement and the pioneering figures that stood up against injustice and prejudice to transform society’s views on people with disabilities through sport.

Those who have inspired me to be me – by Tyrone Cook

13 August 2021

As disabled people, we often feel we are different and think “who can I look up to, there is no one like me in the media, or who is famous”, we forget that throughout history there have been many disabled people who have made a true impact. I am going to talk about 4 well-known people, who are not only disabled but who inspire me to stay true to myself.

How can you drive personal inclusion? – by Geoff Trappett OAM

29 July 2021

Something I have found getting back into sports, specifically the fun run circuit, way after my professional wheelchair racing career ended, is that you need to be much more a part of your own destiny when it comes to your inclusion in events. 

The Fall – by Jess Cochran

15 July 2021

And just when you think the struggle couldn’t get any harder; the problems continue, the rain falls harder, the darkness is darker, and the challenges keep coming. Its then that you must remember that yes, the struggle is difficult, and it feels like it will never end but youve been here before and youll be here again. 

My journey with inclusive fashion – by Eliza Ault-Connell AM

28 June 2021

I will never forget the day I was rolling through the mall when had my brand-new denim jacket on in my spanking new green wheelchair.  19-year-old me thought I was looking pretty darn cool. That coolness was soon horror as the large metal button on the jacket sleeve got caught between my push rim and wheel suddenly bringing me to a screeching halt. I fumbled around for what seemed like an eternity and finally released the button and tentatively went on my merry way. At that moment I realized not all fashion was created equal. 

Challenging Perceptions about Disability one Adventure at a Time – by Alicia Kapa

16 June 2021

In 2015 my best friend Leah and I founded a project called Wheely Wacky Adventures. Leah graduated with a Bachelor of Communications majoring in television and film production. So with her technical skills, my Cerebral Palsy and our love for adventures, we decided to share them with the world.
