31 January 2023

When I was growing up I was sports-mad. Give me an opportunity and I’d have a go; tennis, squash, rugby, soccer, hockey and especially cricket which I played into my 50’s. One sport that had never piqued my interest was basketball. Since becoming disabled in 2015 I tried wheelchair table tennis however a nerve condition soon put a frustrating stop to that venture. Sport was not on my agenda at all from then on but through a chance comment, I found wheelchair basketball or did it find me?

How do we move from segregation to true inclusion? – by Marlena Katene

17 January 2023

The other day I received a message:

“Hi Marlena,

I wanted to see if I could pick your brain on something. I am managing a support provider team here in XXX. We have just set up a house that will have respite/day programs/our office. I wanted to chat with you about how I can make it as inclusive as possible. I have thoughts around connecting with clients on skills they already have and setting up a group market stall in the local markets and teaching and supporting on how to set margins and make money i.e. selling seedlings for our gardeners, artworks etc.

WHAT A MARATHON DAY! – by Ian Walker

02 January 2023

Hey everybody! 

Tips on Giving Disability Items for Christmas – by Susan Seipel

15 December 2022

The halls are decked, there is a tree inside the house, and carols play non-stop in every shopping centre… Christmas is in full swing! So here are a few tips to consider if you wish to give disability-related items or aids as Christmas gifts. 

Firstly, has the receiver expressed a need/want for a particular item, for example, if they have said they wanted a portable ramp to take with them on trips? If yes, this is 100% an excellent gift idea!

The importance of Self Advocacy - by Tyrone Cook

28 November 2022

Learning to advocate for yourself is a very important skill for people who are disabled, even more so for those who are non-speakers.

Many people believe those who are nonspeaking (and sadly some of these people are a part of the disabled community) are unable to represent themselves and should not be represented. 

Communication First aimed to dispel this with the documentary LISTEN which was created by non-speakers to educate people about how this ignorance can be a bad thing.

Rebuilding and Navigating Trust in Mental Health – by Ferris Knight

15 November 2022

Recently I started seeing a new doctor. He seemed nice enough and it was only short term as my psychiatrist didn’t have admitting rights to the hospital. This meant that control of my health was given to someone who saw me for five minutes twice a week instead of the doctor Id seen for years and built trust with. But I was there because I didn’t know what to do anymore. Everything I’d tried hadn’t helped, and it all got more serious than I could deal with at home. I thought Id be admitted to the hospital for two or maybe three weeks.

Moving to another city – by Alicia Kapa

20 October 2022

So in my last blog, I said I had something exciting happening that I was going to tell you about in my next blog. The exciting news is that I moved again, not only houses but also cities and even islands!!

Life After a Spinal Cord Injury is Different, But it Goes On – by Lindsay Nott

13 October 2022

During rehabilitation I took part in weekly gym sports activities -  different things ranging from 10-pin bowling, rugby, and going to the movies. Not only did I do physiotherapy and got my body moving, but I also wanted to become more independent

How good are REAL friends? – by Marlene Katene

26 September 2022

I LOVE my friends and every day consider myself blessed to have them. 

When I think of all the good times in my life or the times that have made me smile the one common thing is that during these times I have always had my friends beside me. 

Having a disability, the importance of friendship is a vital ingredient to living a good life and a life of purpose and meaning. Having a friend to laugh with, cry with or share thoughts with is absolutely everything in my world and my biggest asset of all. 

Para-Sport Inclusion Matters – by Susan Seipel

13 September 2022

The inclusion of para-sports into able-bodied events has steadily risen over the past 20 years. Most recently demonstrated at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, which integrated the largest number of para-sports in history (42 events across eight sports). My opinion is that para-sport has benefited greatly from inclusion, including the use of shared facilities and organising bodies, increased media attention, and more competition opportunities. In turn, the event reaps benefits from reflecting social expectations, increased participation, and revenue gains.
