Meet Invacare Technician Jason Williams

07 May 2019

Jason Williams, Invacare Technician, enjoys being “hands-on”, and considers himself a fast learner who is not afraid to try new things.  Jason has worked in various roles at Invacare Australia/New Zealand over the years, including Rentals Installer and Rentals Store person. Currently, Jason’s role primarily involves servicing oxygen and rentals equipment.

Jason says, “As an individual, I play my role the best I can as small contributions can have an impact on my team and the business. Even after 9 years, I am still learning something interesting.”

Why Inclusive Language Matters

24 April 2019

Language, and the significance we attach to words, creates attitudes, drives social policies and laws, influences our feelings and our decisions, and has an effect on people's lives. Words, their meanings, and how we use words matters a great deal. 

Often, the way someone is devalued, marginalised, and discriminated against is through language, by using words or labels to identify a person or group as "less-than," as "the other", or "not like us”. Once a person or group has been identified this way, it makes it easier to justify prejudice and exclusion.

Veterans and Adaptive Sports

24 April 2019

Steve Avery, a veteran who was medically discharged in January 2019, is a big believer in adaptive sports as a means for healing both physical and mental health injuries sustained during service.  And his own journey is a great example of how this works.

Originally introduced to adaptive sports when a work colleague informed him of the Invictus Games, Steve started playing wheelchair basketball in October 2017 and hasn’t looked back. 

Meet Terance Tang, Invacare Payroll Administrator

17 April 2019

Terance Tang, Invacare’s Payroll Administrator, is a big believer in balance, in regards to work and life, as shown in her favourite quote: Happiness is a place between too much and too little. What Terance most enjoys about her role at Invacare is the fact that it allows her that work/life balance that she appreciates so much.

Terance’s role involves working on all payroll matters - she processes end-to-end payroll, attends to payroll related inquiries, generates payroll related reports, and ensures that staff are always paid accurately and on time. 

Meet Jenny Smyth, a long term Invacare Australia/New Zealand customer

04 April 2019

Hi, my name is Jenny Smyth. I have a Neuromuscular condition (NMC) which is slowly progressive, it affects my muscles and nerves.  

Having this does not stop me from doing anything and I live life to the fullest! I am very independent and aim to keep my independence for as long as I can. 

I use an Invacare TDX SP2 powerchair for my everyday mobility, which has power Tilt/Recline/Elevate on it to help with pressure relief and comfort.

Meet Ben Blundell, Invacare's diligent Financial Controller

04 April 2019

Ben Blundell, Invacare’s Financial Controller, believes that “life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away”.*

Safe Patient Handling – Let Invacare do the lifting for you

02 April 2019

Have you ever lifted or moved a patient to feel that awful familiar twinge in your back, knowing you’d hurt it yet again? Sometimes, despite extensive training and proper lifting techniques, manual-handling injuries can occur.

Injuries sustained when moving or lifting patients is a major issue and the most common cause of injuries for people working in health, aged care, rehabilitation, and disability services. From nurses, carers, cleaners, laundry, and maintenance workers, to administration and kitchen staff, all have been injured during manual handling of patients. 

Meet Laura Plambeck, Invacare's Sales Support Administrator

28 March 2019

Laura Plambeck is our enthusiastic Sales Support Administrator and is a big believer in seeking to improve herself. In fact, her favourite quote is: “Inside you is the potential to make yourself better, and that is what it is to be human. To make yourself more than you are.”

Laura says, “I understand that life has its roller coasters and EVERYONE is dealing with something. I want to be a helping hand to whoever needs one and I try my best to find the best solutions and outcomes that will help a person to where they need to go and to achieve what they need to achieve.”

Celebrating Women in Aged Care

19 March 2019

When Jenny was growing up, her goal was to get a job to help support her family. It wasn't until both of her parents were in aged care that she became aware of her passion for helping people. Jenny now cares for a range of residents with dementia in an aged care centre providing person-centred activities.

Meet Stephen Dean, a hard working and knowledgeable Invacare Technician

18 March 2019

Stephen Dean is an Invacare Technician who is passionate about reducing the amount of time customers wait for repairs and spare parts.

Stephen, who regularly visits Invacare customers to repair items, as well as visiting nursing homes to train maintenance staff to attend to minor issues, says, “customers and the nursing homes find this service very valuable as it saves them a lot of time and worry.”
